• 100% Placement Guarantee.
  • Expert & Experience Faculty.
  • Latest Hardware & Software’s.
  • Digital Labs

Course Duration

3 Months


Any Graduate / Post Graduate


  1. What is Software
  2. What is Testing
  3. What is Software Testing
  4. Resource involved in Software Development
  5. Software quality Assurance

  1. Life Cycle Development
  2. Life Cycle Testing

  1. Waterfall Model
  2. Fish Model
  3. V-Model
  4. Agile Methodology

  1. Integration Testing
    1)Front End Integration b) Back End Integration Approaches
    a)Top down Approaches
    b) Bottom Down Approaches
    c) Bi-directional Approaches
  2. Sanity Testing
    a) Basic Core Functionality
    b) Tab Validation
    c) Link Validation
    d) Page Validation
    e) GUI Validation
  3. System and Function Testing
    a) Function Testing b) Usability Testing
    c) Security Testing d) Performance Testing

  1. Behaviour Coverage
  2. I/P Domain Coverage
  3. Error Handling Coverage
  4. Backend Coverage
  5. Service Level Coverage
  6. Calculation Base Coverage

  1. Recovery Testing
  2. Compability Testing
  3. Configuration Testing
  4. Inter system Testing
  5. Installation Testing
  6. Globalization Testing
  7. Sanitation Testing

  1. Alpha Testing
  2. Beta Testing

  1. Error
  2. Detect
  3. Bug
  4. Issue

  1. Monkey Testing
  2. Exploratory Testing
  3. Ad-Hoc Testing


Core Java

  1. Variable and data types
  2. Keywords and Identifiers
  3. Methods
  4. Types of Variable
  5. Constructor
  6. Control Statements
  7. Loops

  1. Inheritance
  2. This and Super Keyword
  3. Access Specifies
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Abstract Class and Concrete Class
  6. Interface and Implementation class
  7. Generalization
  8. Casting
  9. Encapsulation --> Selenium Framework
  10. Abstraction

  1. String class --vvp
  2. Array
  3. Exception Handling
  4. Collection
  5. Map
  6. Pattern Programs
  7. Logical Programs
Core Java

  1. Disadvantages of Manual Testing
  2. Advantages of Automation
  3. Advantages of Selenium
  4. Disadvantages of Selenium
  5. Selenium flavours
  6. Open Browser
  7. Selenium Architecture
  8. Web Driver and its Methods.
  9. Basic html coding.
  10. Locators.
  11. Web Element and its Methods.

  1. List box
  2. Screenshot.
  3. Parameterization- Excel sheet
  4. I frame
  5. Popups
  6. Multiple Link/Elements--> Relative X path
  7. Autosuggestions
  8. Web Table
  9. Action class
  10. Customized List box
  11. Different types of exception in Selenium
  12. Dynamic Elements--> Dynamic X path
  13. Scroll Up/Down
  14. Synchronization (Diff Types of waits in Selenium)--> Interview Questions

  1. 1. Selenium Framework/Types of Framework
  2. 2. Example without DDF
  3. 3. Example with DDF
  4. 4. POM (Page Object Module) with page factory
  5. 5. POM with DDF
  6. 6. Test NG // TDD // BDD-Cucumber
    • Advantages
    • Annotations
    • Keywords
    • Email able report
    • Test-Suite
    • Assertion/ Verification
    • Failed XML file
    • Disable TC Execution from Suite and Test Class
    • Grouping of Test Cases
    • Parallel execution
    • Multi Browser Testing/C.T
    • Multi Browser Testing with parallel execution
    • Test NG Data provider-->Assignment
    • Difference between Test NG and J Unit
  7. POM_DDF_Test NG example
  8. POM_DDF_Test NG_Base Class_Utility example
  9. Capture screenshot of only failed TC & Property file
  10. Maven Project
  11. Framework explanation
  12. Automation flow/Automation Life Cycle
  13. Investment Banking(Kite Zerodha) project scenarios(TC)
  14. Interview Questions
  15. Github-Pull/Push code
  16. Logical programs